
My name is Ian Dunn and I'm a software engineer focused on computer graphics and game developement. I'm a graphics software engineer at Intel where I work on graphics driver performance optimizations for games. In my free time I'm a hobby game developer - right now I'm working on an open-world adventure game called Alluvial. You can check out my resume here or read about some of my projects down below!




Currently working on a GPU driver performance team, implementing driver optimizations for games and other workloads. Performance analysis, debugging, and mentoring.

Cal Poly

After I graduated from Cal Poly, I taught a variety of classes over 5 quarters: Game Design, Systems Programming, Introduction to Computer Graphics, Advanced Rendering Techniques, and Real-Time 3D Computer Graphics Software.


I worked as a software engineer intern on the DirectX 12 team at Microsoft. My project involved building a tool to help developers add multi-gpu support to existing graphics engines (including heterogenous hardware support). Development continued after my internship ended, but what I worked on was later finished and published as the D3DX12AffinityLayer.


In Fall of 2010, I started at California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo, CA). I graduated in a blended program which awarded both a bachelor's and master's degree simultaneously in December 2016. My undergradute degree was in Software Engineering and my graduate degree was in Computer Science.
